Thursday, November 30, 2006

the thanks list

i know better than to put an idea on my blog because some one is going to ask me to answer the question or in this case make the i did...

Things i am thankful in no order
Teaching some...Sylvan, camp, mobile
Beautiful creations...sunsets, ocean, mountains
My Paris team...I mean you guys are always amazing to me. hurts sometimes but i love those people who ask.
35plus staffers...i have a new group of friends.
Mission Work...dislike the term but summer camp at 27 always good.
Lived in 3 states this, al, tn all in one year? who does that?
Memories...i have so many. thank goodness for pictures and journals.
Hanging pictures...i actually hung pictures on my wall for the first time in almost 3 years. Granted not the wall i was expecting but still fun.
My folks...are amazing. They still like me.
Relationship with my Savior...this year has been good. A year of ups, downs, and plateaus He is always my constant.
Movies and Books...I just like the escape to another world.
My nieces...they drive me crazy but they crack me up.
Okay i could go on really but I will stop for now...You get the idea.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

okay my list

Things i am thankful for in no certain order...

Teaching some this past year...sylvan, camp, mobile
Beautiful creation...i am always amazed at how big my God is.
My Paris team...I mean you guys are amazing and always will be my second family (mentanna and shannon is that good enough) hurts sometimes but i am so glad for those that ask.
35plus camp folks...I have a whole new group of friends who reminded me that the Christian community can be amazing.
Mission work again...hate the terms but summer camp...serving at 27... always good.
Lived in 2 other states for a little while...South Carolina, Alabama, and TN all in one year...who does that!!
Memories from all the years past...thank goodness for pictures and journals
Hanging pictures on the wall...for the first time in 2 1/2 years granted in the oddest place but still my own room.
My folks...they are amazing... They let me live with them and they still like me.
Relationship with my Savior...How amazing He is. Just my time with Him here on earth is precious during the good times, the bad times and the slow times.
Movies and Books...i just like escaping to that other world.
My nieces...the dirve me crazy but they also make me laugh.
the Ellipses (...) that is my favorite form of puncuation and it can mean so much.

Friday, November 24, 2006

thankful or not...

Thanksgiving has come and gone again. Yesterday as we fulfilled family tradition and listed what we were thankful I struggled. For some reason I had a hard time thinking of what to be thankful for. I went with the old standby of family. Not to lessen how grateful I am for that but it was a short list especially compared to my mom's dissertation. I hate that I couldn't seem to find much to praise the Lord about. My job situation or lack thereof makes it hard for me to focus on all the great things that have happened to me this year.

Lets be honest we're often think like that. When things are going well we complain at God for not doing what we believe is right and then when all seems to be golden we forget to say anything to Him at all. I have been reading through the Psalms and that is often the path. The "please kill all my enemies" psalms are often times longer than the "i praise you Lord" psalms. I hate that yesterday I had one of those moments. On closer inspection of the last year I discovered I had a few more things to be thankful for. It just took me a little while to remember. Maybe if I took more than one day a year to think of all I am thankful for it wouldn't be so challenging to remember.

Friday, November 03, 2006

It matters

How strange? i just finished reading an article in Le Monde (French newspaper for those of you not in France). It was about the elections here in the states and some of the prominent African American Democratic candidates. It always amazes me how the elections in the US are covered all over the world. Names, issues, and scandals are covered in most of the world. I mean TN made the article. Everyone is always concerned about what is happening in America. It just reminded me how important the American government is to the rest of the world. I don't always understand why(okay i do but noone is in the mood for an essay) but it matters. Of course maybe if we were as concerned about our neighbors' elections as they are with ours maybe we would understand them better. I'll make sure I vote since it is so important.