Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Joy in every kick...even the painful ones....

So much for all the blogging I was going to do in order to mark my first pregnancy...I really had good intentions but not a whole lot of motivation!  I would like to say I have been journaling the old school way with pencil and paper but haven't even done a good job of that.  Maybe pregnancy has sucked out my creativity and desire to write.  Or maybe I am too lazy lately and have spent most of my time surviving pregnancy....

First please note I have had a very easy pregnancy I think. Of course I have nothing to compare it to so I could be wrong.  My body feels like it has been invaded by aliens.  It looks weird, feels weird and is doing weird stuff (i.e. pelvis has problems staying where it is supposed too!)  Last night I told the baby daddy that I miss being comfortable.  After I lost my 75 pounds a few years ago I realized I was just uncomfortable in that old body and enjoyed the new freedoms my smaller waist gave me.  Now I am growing a baby in the most uncomfortable place.  Sleeping positions, sitting positions, walking positions and standing positions lead to constant movement and shifting as I try to find that sweet spot of temporary comfort.  But alas at 31 weeks that ship has sailed!

I would like to think I am handling it all well and not complaining....BUT we know that isn't true :) If you can't whine when pregnant when can you...I mean really!  However I am working on finding the joy in growing my baby boy in my body! I am more than willing to share with him. 

The last few weeks have brought more joy than I thought possible.  Every time he moves I have to stop and put my hands on my stomach.  I love feeling him move and seeing my stomach bounce around.  I love seeing my husband's face light up when he feels his son move around.  Of course I wish he (baby not husband) wouldn't spend so much time pushing on my ribs or kicking my bladder.  However it is a delightful reminder that my son is growing every day.  And the best part is knowing that I am not doing anything to make that happen. 

Pregnancy is the greatest example of God the Creator.  He is right this moment knitting another one of His children in my womb.  I am the holder of His precious gift.  Every kick is evidence that I serve an amazing God who is so much bigger than I can ever imagine.  Psalm 139 seems more real in this stage of life, and I am grateful that God has chosen me to experience pregnancy...this moment...this stage is meant to be enjoyed.  This is a time to be in awe of God and worship Him as the ultimate Creator...


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