Friday, October 26, 2007

the voice of God

My niece got caught taking something out of another's girl backpack at school. She was sent home and had to endure a spanking at school. I'll be honest we are disappointed to say the least. Andy has recently become a Christian. On Sunday my mom was talking with her about what happened. My mom was explaining that as a Christian we are suppose to listen to God's voice and He will tell her if it is right or wrong. Her 8 year old response was "but Nanny I didn't hear anything."

The issue is serious but the response is just funny but extremely honest. It would be great if we could actually hear the voice of God. i don't know a single believer who wouldn't like to have God talking in their head like a 24/7 surround sound. He would be there to tell us what to do and what not to do. It would make life a little easier. Of course he does that we just have to work a little harder to listen. The word of God is our link to getting that surround sound. However we don't really want to know what it says and how it will change our life.

I have been reading Dallas Willard's book The great ommission. We don't really want to get to know Jesus because that means we have to follow His will for our lives. We want just enough of Jesus to ensure our salvation. I hope I am not that kind of Christian. Hopefully we can teach Andy to learn how to listen for God's voice.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

God's creation...

Last weekend I watched a sunset. I don't mean I paused in my day and watched for a few minutes. I actually meet some friends at the top of Monteagle mountain (it is really a big hill but we call it a mountain.) We drove to the University of the South and went over the memorial cross. It is a huge cross that you can see for a few miles before you get to it. It is stationed at the top of an overlook. We got there early and for the next 45 minutes we sat and talked and watched the sun set.

How amazing is God's creation? I don't remember the last time I sat and just enjoyed how amazing He is and that He lets us enjoy His creation every single day. I have no idea how someone can see that everyday and not wonder if there is a God.

I often times fall into the same rut of not stopping and enjoying His constant gift to us. Everyday the sun rises and sets...Everyday He is there waiting to see if we are going to take the time to stop and enjoy His presence. He is always there waiting. If we don't come He will still come back the next day. I need to make more time to stop and just enjoy His presence. I recommend you try it too...find a pretty place with a great view. Get there early so you can enjoy the entire show and not just a momentary glance.