Thursday, March 07, 2013

training required

You will keep the mind that is dependent on You in perfect peace, for it is trusting on You. Isaiah 26:3 (HCSB)

"the mind that is dependent" on God...
Other translations "steadfast of mind" (NASB); "mind is stayed on you" (ESV)

steadfast, dependent, stayed, the French use the word firm...what is my mind dependent on? what do i hold firm in my mind? is my mind steadfast?

the reality is I am a fickle person...i like to claim adult add.  i don't always pay attention.  i refuse to concentrate on a specific anything for long....a 2 hour long movie often causes the mind to wander and boredom to creep in.  the harsh reality is that i have to train my mind to pay attention.  i have to chose to be steadfast and dependent and firm.  it is a learned skill. and i can not use any of the long list of excuses...

for example, 'i am too tired.' 'i read the bible and am not processing anything so why bother?' 'i read plenty of christian non-fiction books, blogs, fb posts.' 'i don't have time.' 'i just want to relax and not think.' 'i will tomorrow but not tonight.' 'i listened to a podcast sermon so that counts.' and the list could go on and on.

yes all lame and ridiculous excuses...but everyday i use them as an excuse to not do the work...sit down with my bible and read. just be with God...i want to be steadfast and dependent on Him...not for any extra benefit or reward but just because He is God. 

i love spending time with my hubby. coming home everyday and being with him is the best part of my day.  i am called to love God even more and i say i do but my mind and my actions don't say that.  if i want to love others more than i have to train myself to know and love God more....ergo practice and training are required.  i need to sit and read the word of God.  everyday...every chance...because He is God.


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