Tuesday, June 18, 2013

time to brush up...

know what you believe so you can explain what you believe....makes sense right? it seems like the least complicated way to explain something to someone...if you are trying to convince someone to take your side or claim you are right you should probably now exactly what you believe and why you believe it.  answer the 5WHow questions for what you believe in.  i have been reminded lately how we as Christians don't seem to think that simple concept applies to us...

the hubs and i are taking an inquirers class at our church.  we are making the move to the PCA world.  the class is not required for membership; however it is recommended.  it was the first time i have taken this type of class.  it has been a relief.  it is nice to sit down and have a pastor tell you what the church/denomination believes and that he agrees.  if he didn't agree he would be allowed to preach in the PCA demonination.  the belief system is clear and across the board.  they follow a confessional standard and have a catechism.  it is refreshing.  i am not expected to memorize the entire thing (thank goodness but kind of interested in the shorter one at least). however they are clear on what they believe.  they want you as  member or church goer to know what they believe and in turn want you to know what you believe.

why have we (read i) spent such a large majority of our lives refusing to say in black and white exactly what we believe and why we believe it?  i used to avoid theology and theological debates like the plaque.  i come from a christian background that seemed to discourage this mindset. i am trying not to make a general statement.  i know people all across the theological spectrum who are extremely clear on the beliefs that shape their worlds.  however i was never really taught how to do this or why to do this.  the standard response was 'just because the Bible says' and yes i would say this and have no idea where or if it actually said this.

this last week i have found myself in conversations about the trinity, scriptural authority/fallibilty, and calvinism.  it has reminded me that i need to brush up on my beliefs and jump to learning all the 5WHow's of those big issues.  i don't want to learn them in order to enter into a legalistic mindset but serve my ultimate purpose....to glorify God in all i do and that includes trying to explain to others who He is and why it is important...


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