I am still three...
Roaming Tennessee GirlI am a petulant child. I am in no way sure exactly why God puts up with me as much as he does. I am constantly whining for things to be my way or no way at all. It never fails. God gives me what I cry about wanting so desperately. then things start to crumble. I then begin the porcess of whining and complaining again for him to fix it and give me what I want again.
Patience is a virtue that I have struggled with for most of my life. My God is the most patient person in the whole world. I thank him for that. I thank him for always sitting and waiting on me to get to the point i need to be. I am hoping that I can be part of His plan for my life. I have moments where I stop and wonder if I am where I am suppose to be and what am i suppose to do. I am so glad that He is patient with me and still has the love to want to wait on me to find the path He has for me and not my own.