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having a walking almost 11 month old has turned every place we go into an obstacle course/war zone. little man leads with his head and has no idea of consequences. however when he hits something or runs over something or falls down it is pretty interesting to watch his reaction...now if it is a true 'dang that hurt real bad' hit he cries. it was unexpected. why would the coffee table hit him in the head? little man didn't do anything to that stupid thing.however for all other things-falls, trips, slips and smacks-little man doesn't cry first he looks at us to see how he should react. if we aren't 'paying attention' and he wants to keep playing he will just move on and no reaction is given. however if we are looking at him he always waits to see what we are going to do first....if we freak out he does. if we give sympathy he whimpers and begs for more. if we smile and tell him he is ok, he smiles right back. his emotions and reactions are almost always a reflection of us...he reads us and knows. he looks to us to help him decide HOW he should react.
what do i look to for my reactions? what guides my emotions? do i respond out of plain old fashioned hurt or do i look to others for reactions? do i consider 'what Jesus would do?' do i ever take the time to consider what i am saying and how i am reacting in those moments when i fall, trip, slip or get smacked by life? sometimes raw emotion is what comes out....and sometimes that is ok. sometimes the wrong response comes out...sometimes the correct response comes out...
however if i am being honest i rarely take the time to consider how God would have me react. why don't i consult scripture more before i think or react? why isn't scripture more engrained in my life that i react how God desires? the truth is laziness. i have stopped looking to my Lord...i think i know enough and am smart enough to handle all things.
one day little man is going to stop looking to mom and dad for how he should react and behave. we are trying to train him in the way God would want him to go and hopefully when he stops looking to us he will look to God and His Word for how to react and live his life...yeah no pressure as a parent. of course if we as parents live our lives by His Word the pressure is off us and entirely up to God's will. so it is worth looking to God for my reactions and emotions and my words before i speak...