greener grass
I love the me it is the prettiest form of weather. Watching it fall makes me feel like I am in a snow globe. The whole world seems to pause in silence. Everything looks different and seems to glow. I was looking forward to moving to jersey land because I wanted a lot of real snow. Since thanksgiving i have eagerly waited for the first of what i hoped would be many snowfalls. Of course I missed one while in Tennessee during Christmas. However since returning at the first of January I have not been disappointed. The ground has been snow covered every day since. We have had too many to count 3 plus inches of snow storms this year. One even brought a fresh 12 inch layer of the beautiful stuff! I just love how pretty everything is the day after new snow covers everything....God truly showing off.Unfortunately it is almost the middle February and the ground is still covered in about 3 or so inches of snow and we had had no new snow in about 2 weeks. It is starting to look a little bad...honestly the snow is disgusting. What is left has taken on a grayish hue and the big piles are just in the way. They are making parking and driving a pain in the butt. I am done with the snow for now ( i say this right before I head to Utah to ski but I digress:)
How often is my walk with Christ just like the snow? When is new, good and refreshing I am completely wrapped in all it has to offer me. I rejoice in who God is and I am amazed by what He has done and continues to do. But I can't seem to stay that enamored with Him. Why do i find my self almost weary or stagnant? I am just as bad as those people who long for winter and then complain when it arrives. I am already looking forward to spring and I know I will eagerly starting bidding my time til summer soon after spring arrives. Is it a lack of contentment? Why can't i appreciate every season God gives me? I know I won't always be on top of my love for Jesus but I want to always love Him and be excited every time I think about who God is....