100% Washable
"Come overwhelmed. Come with a wandering mind. Come messy." A Praying LifeI am not a fan of dirt. Cleanliness is next to godliness in my book! As a child I never cared for playing in the dirt. You weren't likely to catch me playing in the mud unless my sister had thrown me in it:) If or when I got dirty I wanted a bath ASAP. I am still not to big on being covered in dirt or mud. Of course I spend all day with 3 & 4 year olds. Holy cow do they get messy. I admit I like to help them sometimes. We are huge fans of fingerpaints and playing in our food. Ever so often one of them will stress out about mud or paint. I always remind them that everything is totally washable.
I don't do messy very well in other areas of my life. I have become a pro at hiding my emotions, thoughts, ideas, fears and imperfections. I don't like to show signs of weakness because it means I am not perfect. I don't like to cry, lose my temper or express strong emotions in front of others. It takes years of extreme hard core friendship before I open up. I don't like the messy. I fear that people won't like my dirt and will want to walk away. The sad part is that I even try to do the same thing with God...For some reason I have a hard time trusting Him with my messes. My head knows He is big enough to handle it but my heart often times doesn't seem to connect. I am 100% washable and loveable....I just have to trust God to do the washing for me. My method hasn't been working so far.