Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I have just started to lead a new bible study with my Sunday school class. We are slowing working our way through 1 & 2 Peter with the help of a study guide with plenty of room to answer the questions. I try to start the lesson on Thursday night to give myself plenty of time to delve into the scripture and learn as much as possible in a week. However this week, I got stumped within the first paragraph of the study. "Identify some of the issues that drove you to consider Jesus seriously."

Yikes...I stopped. I underlined. I thought. Then I promptly closed the book, turned off the lights and pulled the covers over my head! It is Tuesday, and I still don't have the answer to that question. So I skipped it and continued on with the bible study while at work today. (it is the biggest perk of my job...can study and read whatever I want and get paid for it:) God proceeded to stomp all over my toes and by stomp I mean STOMP!! Issues such as how do i live a pure and holy life? how do i love my brothers and sisters in Christ? why is my salvation important? do i ever take it for granted? how has my salvation changed my life? What motivates me to live a righteous life? Compare life now to life before Christ...

I am not going to share the answers to most of those questions. Honestly I hated most of those questions especially right now! However the biggest challenge is trying to decide how my life is different because of my salvation? I can honestly say I don't remember much of anything B.C. in my life. We started church going when I was 6. We were there every time the doors were open or we just thought they might be open! I remember riding my bike around the church when I was kid. We would ride over there to make sure the church was still standing:) I had my first almost salvation experience at nine and the real one at 11...two baptisms and lots of Sunday school lessons...Started teaching classes at the age of 17 and haven't looked back...

Birth to six...the standard I am sure...temper tantrums, lying, deserved paddlings and maybe groundings
Six to 11...the standard I guess...temper tantrums, lying, disobedience, stole a piece of candy from the store (mom made me take it back), smoked a cigarette, well deserved paddlings and definite groundings
11 to almost 30...the list is endless....lying, temper tantrums, disobedience, smoking(only for 3 months), gluttony, gossip, spite, pride, anger. lust, etc, etc, etc. we don't have time for true honesty with this list!

I don't remember much of life before I became a child of God and life afterwards hasn't been pretty. I don't know what drove me to chose Jesus, but I am so glad He welcomed me with open arms. I am also grateful that He continues to welcome me when I do the opposite of what He tells me to do. The scary part right now is that we are only in chapter 1 of 1 Peter!

Friday, February 20, 2009

nothing thought provoking...just random:)

at what age should you stop making every one's name cute? you know what i mean adding and "e" or a "y" to the end of some one's name and turning into a nauseating childish pet name.

why are boys so stupid? anyone have any answers for this...

why does food almost always taste better at a restaurant? especially mexican food and steaks...i am sorry they are always better when i am paying twice as much and don't have to clean up the mess

how and why do people go to wal-mart and never buy anything? i only go to wal-mart when i need something...but there are people who just go to walk around. it is not a mall or a park! get what you need and get out! and if you have more than 20 items don't use the express lane!

is it true that I am really the only capable driver on the road? do those stupid drivers around realize how awful they are at driving? can they not see me yelling at the them? guess not since they never use their mirrors or pay attention to anything not in their car:)

is it possible to go a whole month or just a week or even a day and not talk about weather? we have all been outside ergo we all know what it feels like

what is the true definition or description of a nerd? is a geek or a dork different?

at what age should you stop playing with toys? by toys i mean stuffed animals and toy guns (video games are excluded only because of my recent wii addiction:)

is it possible to go a whole day without getting annoyed with someone else? if you get out of your house than NO because no one else knows how to drive:)

Friday, February 06, 2009


What is the most recent time I have had to wait for something? Right now...I am in limbo land. I feel that I have been stuck in this in between place for a few years now with little hope of exiting anytime soon.

What am I waiting for? Honestly, I have no idea. I know what I want but I don't know if that is what God is gonna do. I see the plan but I don't know if it God's.

How am I waiting? with irritation, annoyance and a little bit of dread...I don't know what is gonna happen, when it is gonna happen or if it is gonna happen!! read the irritation:)

How SHOULD I be waiting? with eagerness

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Shouldn't that promise alone make me eager to see what God is gonna do instead of dread what He may or may not dodo?