Monday, May 11, 2009

thanksgiving in may

Being grateful is often times a challenge for me. I don’t know if it is because I don’t like to get ooey-gooey or fear of expressing emotions or pure selfishness. Every year at Thanksgiving my mom makes us go around the table and say what we are grateful for over the last year. And every year I struggle with what to say. However over the last several days I have been aware of the blessings God has given me. I seem to be more aware of what God has done for me lately and am in awe of Him. Here are some of the ones that seem to be dominating my heart right now…

Relationships…I have some amazing friends. Friends who listen to me complain, encourage me when I need it, make me laugh out loud, share their lives with me and allow me to be part of their lives…regardless of the time or the place I have a list of people I can call and they know they can call me also.

Time with God…Those moments when I know that I am growing in my walk with God are what enable me to wade through those times where my walk with Him is stagnant. Right now I am so grateful that I am in a growing place. I find myself eager to delve into His word every day and am excited to see what He is going to show me or teach me. It is thrilling.

Being challenged…I miss being able to talk about what God is doing and what He is teaching me. I enjoy having a conversation about theology…mine and others. For the last year or two I have been in the teacher role. Don’t get me wrong I love it, but I miss being challenged. Lately most of my conversations about faith have consisted of me asking others hard questions in order to challenge them. I have been blessed over the past week alone to talk with some of my smarter than me Christian friends. They challenge me and make me think about things I have never thought about. I love it…I love that it motivates me to ask deeper questions and find the answers.

My parents…It takes a lot to be 30 and living at home. I don’t know where I would be right now without them. They are some of my best friends. My dad taught me how to be responsible, to be independent, and to debate. My mom taught me how to cook, how to laugh and how to be compassionate. Since it was mother’s day yesterday I was able to spend the day with my mom. We went to lunch, went shopping and had coffee. I am blessed to have my mom in my life. She makes me laugh more than anyone I have every known. She has overcome more than anything I could ever imagine and still manages to have a larger than life optimistic godly spirit. I hope one day I can be half as good a mom to my children as she is to me…


At 1:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good stuff Deanna. I think I am gonna make your blog a regular "webvisit" It gets me to thinking about things that I need to be thinking about.


At 10:48 AM , Blogger The Kilcoynes said...

I notice that you posted your "thanksgiving" thoughts on the birthday of two of your best friends!!!


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