Monday, March 23, 2009

which way do i sway?

Am I a city-fied country girl or a country-fied city girl? This weekend that thought has been rambling through my head. Friday night while at dinner with some friends one of the guys pointed out that all the girls at the table were all country girls. I don't know if I have ever labeled myself as a country girl, but I think I may be!!!

The question-"where would you prefer to live-the city or the country?" gets asked in every single getting to know you list out there. My answer almost always changes based on my mood or the day of the week. When I lived in Paris, I loved every single minute of the being the city. I loved the massive amounts of people, the energy, the things to do, the public transportation, etc. I really could list tons of things about the city that I love and miss dearly. However when I lived in Paris, I would also have days where I craved the quiet of being in the country. I wanted to see miles and miles of green and hear wild animals. I missed seeing the stars. Even the moon and the sun looked better in the country.

Now that I live in the country again I often smile nostalgically at everything around me. It is spring and I can leave my window open at night. It doesn't bother me when the gaggle of turkeys wakes me up. I hear the cows, the coyotes and strange animals in the grass every night and morning. I love it! I like the smell of fresh cut grass. I love the distinct sound of the 100's of bugs that sing every night! However every few months, I need to go to a city. Preferably a big one with lots of traffic and people. I may not get to do anything but shop; however I need to be around all those people.

I have done the math...technically I have lived in the country and the city the same amount of time...15 years each way. Those years were split - 10 years in the city, 10 years in the country, 5 years in the city, 5 years in the country! I truly don't know which one I love the most or would miss the most if I never got to see again. I think I will just be both - city/country girl...


At 3:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhh happy day! i've been waiting for part two. good times!


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