Thursday, April 16, 2009

rambling thoughts

Lately I am finding myself with too many things running through my mind to stop and have any long consistent will just have read the rambles today....

How many of the struggles/hardships in my life are my fault? I love that God can and does use anything to teach me something or increase my faith....but most of the time I am the one who gets myself in trouble to begin with.

Lately watching the news makes me feel that I am in the middle of a made for TV movie! Seriously between all the depression talks and the pirate issues it is hard to believe this is reality!

I am on smart book overload! I have been reading too many classics and Pulitzers. I need to read stupid books to create a balance.

How sad is it that I have no idea what is playing at the movies and I am also pretty sure there isn't anything good out there anyway. Satellite TV has made me one of those people who never want to leave their house to pay for a movie...

I have been lazy lately in my own personal time with God again. I am preparing for my bible studies but not preparing myself for day to day getting to know Him more...How easily I lose focus.

I absolutely love storms....I know tornadoes are scary and I should always be cautious of them. But a small part of me is sad I didn't even get to see the tornado that caused so much damage in Murfreesboro! Apparently you could actually see it from our branch. They are the most amazing example of God's power to me!

I miss getting to be myself all day long. Who I am from 8 to 4 is not who I really am:(

I am so glad Ashley called and gave me some pretty awesome news last night! It made my day!!!


At 4:07 PM , Blogger Ashley said...

Thanks for the shout out!! As far as tornadoes are concerned, I am usually the first one in the hall with pillows, a flashlight, and praying my hiney off!!


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