Monday, September 08, 2008


I had an interesting day/moment on thursday. since moving back the states 4 years ago(holy cow it doesn't seem that long!) i have had a difficult time visiting the christian bookstores. in fact the first time i went to one after returning to america i remember commenting that i felt dirty after leaving. the commercial christian world was too much for me. the prayer of jabez (or i says...), testament mints and jesus bubble gum was too much for this new european adapted girl. i hadn't seen that much christian paraphernalia in a long time, well 2 years to be exact. i hated it all. where were the relationships? would jesus really spend all day hanging out here? how many people shop here but don't practice what they are reading about or singing about or researching? did these people even know that there was a lost world outside?

of course i am aware that i was being a tad judgemental (okay read a lot:) but i have always struggled with jumping back into the christian bubble i was so painfully yanked out of in the summer of 2002. i didn't want to get comfortable. the only time i would go to the christian bookstore was in order to find a new song to sing at church. the accompaniment track aisle is the only place i visit, and it is usually done unwillingly.

on thursday i was making my quarterly visit for a new song to sing. i actually found myself wanting to look around. i forgot how many books, cds, and bible studies were out there. it was peaceful place. it was nice and quiet and almost pleasurable. i actually shopped around and visited other parts of the store. i bought 2 other cds just because... maybe that is why people visit the christian bookstore... not to avoid the outside world but for a just a little while to escape it. to know i didn't have to be careful where i look or what i may hear was quite pleasant. at starbucks i never know what i'll hear or see. i will continue to visit my favorite coffee shop more but maybe from now on i won't avoid the christian bookstore like the plague.


At 2:39 AM , Blogger Mentanna said...

as one who used to work at one of the bookstore, i totally understand your frustration. glad you found the balance though. leave the jesus junk and gadgets alone and pick up the things that will really feed your soul. miss you friend.

At 12:43 PM , Blogger The Kilcoynes said...

we love you, girl. Enjoy the peace every now and then

At 12:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly. For some reason, my cynicism about the overly materialized Christianity in America has transfered from the bookstores to the churches. goodness. Why does it seem so hard not to throw the baby out with the bathwater here??

it's so good to hear your thoughts. i can't believe it's been so long since we were traipsing around in Paris. Ah, the memories :) Love ya!


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