Thursday, February 14, 2013

Anger or not

No one likes to admit when they are angry or even say they get angry. This thought occurred to me in the midst of talking to a wide variety of people today....I had to ask this question over and over again. Not a single person wanted to give an example of the last time they were angry. A few of them admitted they felt that anger was such a strong term....they had been frustrated or annoyed but never angry. I was a little surprised.

Maybe I am weird but I have gotten angry in the past...far past and near past. Yep I have a temper.... I try to keep it hidden. However sometimes it rears its ugly head.  When it happens it is not pretty...I yell, cuss, and often times cry. Thank goodness it doesn't happen often but when it does it is the worst.

But is it okay to get angry? God did; however His anger was always justified. Do I have the right to get truly angry? Can my anger ever be truly just since I am 100% sinful? Or maybe I should think more about how I react in my anger? Perhaps that is the bigger issue...

Proverbs 29:11 Fools vent their anger,but the wise quietly hold it back. (NLT)


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