Friday, July 11, 2008


10 reasons i love being a girl:(those are in no particular order)
1. clothes and clothes and more clothes...we can truly never have too many. if we don't like what we have we can go out and get a new outfit. the older i become the more i actually enjoy getting new outfits. we get to change styles with the seasons. boys styles rarely change..
2. one haircut makes you feel great... i just got my haircut and the next day i felt like a new woman. i added a little more bangs and made my layers more fun. i feel just plain cute.
3. talking...girls get to talk and talk alot. it is expected. we are suppose to sit around with our friends and co workers and talk until we are blue in the face. we have been know to talk ourselves hoarse (oh the sleepovers and late night talks)
4. girl friends.... i love that anytime i need to talk i have a list of friends i can call. we are always there for each other. i can call to vent, cry, explain or laugh. girls get each other and we like to share live with each other.
5. shoes... it is amazing how we buy one new pair of shoes and we can't wait to tell everyone. we can't wait to wear them and paint our toenails so our feet look their best. whether they are cute flip-flops that show off the toe ring or hooker boots that make us feel super sexy. all it takes its shoes.
6. cute days... i love those days were i feel cute. i have on the perfect outfit that makes me look great. my jewelry and hair are doing everything they are suppose to do. we walk taller and feel better.
7. girls we are allowed to cry. we are expected to get teary eyed over commercials and movies. it is okay if we cry. in fact if we don't cry people think we are wierd. when we are having a bad day we can cry if we want to!
8. grumpy rights... there are certain times of the month or just b/c we wanna that we can be grumpy. we have an excuse for being a bad mood. guys know that and leave us alone when we are. in fact we can fake a bad mood and they don't even know the difference.
9. chocolate fixes it all... we are having a long hard day and we can eat chocolate. i don't know what it is that makes us all feel better but it works like a charm. it is an almost instant fix at least for a little while.
10. boys...we just plain like them. they drive us crazy and they get on our nerves. but we all really want one to have and hold til death do us part. and then we get to mess with their heads. they don't understand us and we don't make it any easier for them!!!

fyi...God fixed the no sleeping problem. Doctor put me in a regular cast. Crutches make you really exhausted:0 A month should help me catch up on the sleep!!!!


At 12:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

being a girl is fun! (most of the time!)

How are you, girl??



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