Sunday, February 11, 2007

My life as I know it...

yes i am alive. I apologize for the delay in posting but for some reason I am finding it hard to decide what to write about. My life has settled into a rather monotonous pattern. Since my twice posted thanks list I have started a new job and survived the holidays. The new year has brought few changes. Work, home, sleep and occasional socialization with friends on the weekend. My job pays the bill but is a tad boring. However it means I can go to France in April. My vacation was approved this week. Good thing since I have already bought my tickets. 2 months can not pass by fast enough.

I am currently reading two books...Atlas Shrugged and Yancy's new book on Prayer. Both interesting yet on different planes. Yancy's always makes me think. The problem is that his book and my slow crawl through Romans is leaving me with more questions than answers. I often find that to be a sign of some solid time with Christ.

I am still struggling with the definition of righteousness. Hopefully I will be able to grasp the concept before I get frustrated and give up on it. How is it different from good deeds? If it is unattainable why should I strive towards it? If I can never have it why is it so important?

I have developed back problems so pray it will disappear. I would like a comfortable plane ride to France.

I just realized this sounds a tad depressing but all is well. Bisous.


At 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to hear you're doing well. congrats on getting a new job...even if it is boring. it's work and it pays the bills. at least you can look forward to going to france! how fun! i'm sure it'll be great to hang out with your old team again! oh, speaking of...can you send me chuck's site?

hope to talk to ya soon!!

At 2:16 PM , Blogger lish said...

You're coming to France!!! Will you be coming to Nancy? If you are, I bet it'll be between the 7th and 13th when we aren't here *sigh*
But if not then please please please come and see us!
*big hugs* from Hilary

At 1:27 PM , Blogger The Kilcoynes said...

How many more weeks??!! I am so excited!!


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