Thursday, September 27, 2012

Identity Crisis

Who am I?

Fiance (temporary)
future daughter-in-law (temporary)
Homeless (ie no place to call my own...not living in a box or outside...please ignore the drama)
Friendless (locally only....closest serious girl friendship-4 hours away)
Unemployed with little career objective (Oh Lord I needs to this to be really really temporary!)

I am in a state of transition/limbo right now that would make almost anyone cringe in disbelieve.  While talking to a group of ladies (future local friends I pray!) a few days ago my list of temporaries made one girl actually say "wow that is a lot of change." She was unable to respond in any other way.  Limbo land status has led me to a temporary (at least it better be dang it!) identity crisis.  One which led me to actually have to write down who I was....seriously had to write it down on paper to try and remember who I am.  Honestly I can't remember.  Don't get me wrong I have been in limbo before.  The bottom 3 have happened many times, and I honestly don't think this will be the last time.

I am a child of God.  This I know and recognize verbally but for some reason my heart is struggling to absorb this one fully.  This is the identity that really matters....This is the identity that shapes all of the other things on my list (other then the girl part:)  Some of these new roles God has given me are unfamiliar.  I still don't know how to live them or be them.  And those roles...they are achanging (alabama talk is starting to creep in) a big way in a short period of time.  Maybe for right now I need to allow myself to fully rest in the permanent identity I have as a child of God and try not to spend so much time stressing out about all the others...


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