Wednesday, January 07, 2009


I am a coward of the worst kind sometimes. I have probably spent half of my life absorbed in books. I don't remember a time I didn't enjoy reading. I don't know when I learned to read; however since then I have had a major love affair. I am truly not picky about the genre. I tend to lean in the direction of romantic or historical fiction. Action, comedy, non-fiction, memoir, romance, mystery (sorry i can't really do science fiction) and fantasy (well okay harry potter:) are just a few of the types of books I love. I become completely absorbed in them. I want to be the characters and live their lives. I picture the details in my mind, feel there joy and pain. A good book can make me cry just as easily as a heart warming hallmark commercial:)

However my secret passion is writing. I have dreamed of writing the next great novel since I wrote my first story in Ms. Ayers 5th grade english class. (yes it was a romance! I was 10...give me a break.) I can not even begin to tell you about the hundreds of stories I have started and never finished, fiction, non-ficition and memoirs...the list is truly endless. Unfortunately I have never had the courage to finish one or get past the second chapter for that matter. I have to admit it is because I don't want someone to read it and not love it. I would hope I would get the pity nod but I would want it to be good, really good. I don't let anyone read what I write. I even struggle with what I blog and criticize it to death sometimes. There is always someone more talented than me. I always let the stop me.

So this year I really want to write that book. I have the idea and have started the research. I have written several pages and now the fear has struck. I am hoping that admitting my goal will force me to complete it. I have told a few friends mostly because they are part of the research:) I am hoping I will have the courage to finish. If I get absorbed in it than maybe someone else will...


At 1:30 AM , Blogger Mentanna said...

do it! write! send me the first chapter please....

At 7:21 AM , Blogger The Kilcoynes said...

You know if you send it to Mentanna, you have to send it to me, too!! Go! GO! Go! Go! You can do it!

At 9:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me three... I know you can!


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