Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Check the Sarcasm

I grew up in a traditional Southern Baptist church and by traditional I mean die hard... 3 hymns (vs. 1,2, & 4- Never the 3rd!), offering, special music, 20 minute sermons and out by 12. It was predictable and so comforting. I was in college before I ever heard a praise and worship song. I almost passed out when I learned that some churches didn't even use the hymnal. Growing up we used the baptist hymnal more than we used the bible.
When I moved overseas I jumped the traditional ship and became a liberal Southern Baptist. Well as liberal as you can be and still be extremely conservative:) Praise music galore padded by serious theological discussion. Who needs those sunday school stories AGAIN. We agree to disagree and try to live life in this world instead of in a church building.
Returning to the states pushed me back into that traditional world. I rebelled for a few years thinking that typical churches couldn't satisfy me. I went out of guilt and only attended at a bare minimum with a constant stream of sarcastic dialogue running through my head. 4 years later and I am actively involved in that "typical Southern Baptist Church". We are still not singing the 3rd verse.
But maybe I need to stop and check the sarcasm at the door for a little while...I grew up in "that" church and I loved "those"hymns. I find myself occasionally sitting back and enjoying the comfort it offers. I am glad churches can be rearranged to bring comfort and nostalgic smiles to its members.
I like small groups and getting out of the building. Passion conferences changed worship music for a whole generation. However Just as I am and Victory in Jesus did the same for other generations. So ever so often I am gonna check the sarcasm and enjoy...as long as they don't sing Count your Many Blessings (chuck ruined that song for me!)


At 11:33 AM , Blogger Charles Everson said...

I'm glad you're enjoying the hymns. I get it. I feel the same way, but with Gregorian chant and Palestrina.

I still think that Count Your Blessings should be given to the Mormons.

At 12:13 AM , Blogger The Kilcoynes said...

What about Bringing in the Sheaves?


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