Thursday, November 06, 2008

Things I hate..

I have had some pent up bitterness lately and have decided to vent some frustrations. These are in no way connected or necessarily important:)

1. I hate decorative pillows. If you can't cuddle on it or lay on it then you don't need it...Why have 14 different shapes, colors and sizes of pillows if you are just going to put them on the floor? such a waste of money...
2. I hate gym machine dominators. Watching people at the gym is one of my favorite things to do. It is always interesting to watch those people who aren't really working. They pay to come and socialize. Of course those are also the same people who stand in front of a machine and don't use them. The gym should just have a room meant for pure hang out time so those of us who want to use the machines can (granted I am not usually the person who wants to use the machines but it is the point!)
3. I hate junior high drama. Girls are just plain good at this, but it drives me crazy. Over the last few weeks I have found myself wanting to scream ata few people, who will not be named, that maybe since they are over thirty they should just stop it....just stop it!
4. I hate the sound of people clipping their fingernails. If you spend much time with me you know this is the world's most annoying and disgusting sound. And why do people feel the need to ever do that in public? Go to the bathroom or do it at your house when no one else is around!!!
5. I hate those people with the martyr complex. You know who I mean...those people who volunteer to do something and then complain about how hard the task was or how much work went into something. They tend to sigh alot and talk about how big of a sacrifice they made. If Jesus can die on a cross and not complain then you have no right either!!!! So suck it up! If you don't want to do something then DON'T DO IT!!!
6. I hate noisy eaters. I know that everyone makes noises when they eat especially when it is a loud food like chips or cookies. But those people who feel the need to chew there food 80 times or slap their lips together or chomp their teeth could you please not sit within a 400 feet area of me. I will hear you and want to punch you in the face!
7. I hate movie repeaters. You know who I mean. They sit in the theater and feel the need to ask the person next to them if they saw what just happened or they repeat the line that was just said....FYI We are all watching the same thing you are and yes we heard it so please don't tell us about. We are in the same room with you, you dork!
8. I hate annoying drivers. I could spend all day on this subject. It would be safer if you would all stay out of my way because chances are you are driving too slow or taking too long or talking too much or not paying attention or not staying in the right spot or...well you get the point. I will yell at you and probably use words the Lord will not be okay with.
9. I hate brussel sprouts. They just look, smell and taste just plain gross. If you eat them you are wierd. Hello they are slimy!!
10. I HATE THE CAST BOOT. Yes I am wearing it again. I have some how managed to pull or pop a tendon in the arch/ankle of the foot that I broke in May. Ergo I am once again hobbling around in the boot...again. I think God is picking on me!!

Okay I am done with my rant...I'll try to be more positive next time!


At 1:42 AM , Blogger Mentanna said...

1. i love deanna
2. i love deanna
3. i LOVE deanna
4. I love deanna
5. I love DEANNA
6. I love deanna
7. deanna i love
8. love deanna i do
9. much love for the deanna
10. smile deanna you are loved.

At 2:47 PM , Blogger The Kilcoynes said...

NO FAIR! I was just about to leave a comment that said "I love Deanna". Mentanna, you beat me to it!!!

You've seen this "STOP IT" video, right?

At 11:03 AM , Blogger deanna said...

Is that the bob newhart video from like Mad TV? I will check it out! I love you guys too! I am trying to stop ranting but lately it has been tough:)

At 4:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate your stupid boot for you!AHHHHHH. But I love you, so it all evens out, sort of, not really I know (in a perfect world, just pretend :) ok?) On the bright side of brussel sprouts, they decrease the amount of oral bleeding during dental procedures (but yeah, you have to eat them every day for like two weeks maybe that's not a bright side. hmmm).
Love ya chica xx


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