Sunday, August 01, 2010


Culture shock in the land of the Guidos is more shocking than the land of wine and cheese. I prepared myself for life in France before I moved there. I read books. I asked hundreds of questions to fellow missys who had lived on the field. I prepared myself for the things I could and would do without. I worried about table manners, fashion faux pas and cultural differences. That doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of my months before I went to France. After a few months living in Nancy, France I fought hard to learn the language, master public transport, drive a stick while adjusting to the road rules, and adjusting to the food.

Needless to say when I decided to move above the Mason-Dixon line I made no such preparations. My last few weeks in TN were spent hanging with precious friends and family, working with my bk kiddos, and packing (okay all my packing was done the day before I left:). I spent no time studying up on the changes I may experience. They have a plethora of books on culture shock but not usually relating to moving somewhere different in the USA!! Perhaps that explains my slight bafflement at some of the differences...People drive different, act different, and talk different. Things I took for granted aren't prevalent. Granted they are all things I can live without yet they still surprise me...

Live here is constantly reminding me of how comfortable or too comfortable I was with my life. I was content yet decidedly lazy at getting out of my comfort zone. I still am not sure how this time in New Jersey factors into God's plan for my life. Maybe it is a reminder to get away from my comfort zone...Maybe it is a reminder to always be prepared...Maybe it is a reminder that God is in control even in the midst of culture shock chaos.


At 10:54 PM , Blogger Bianca :) said...

Oh me oh my...shush your piehole! jk. :) I had to sass ya. hehe. When I go to Iowa and Minnesota, it is a lot different. There are a TON of bikers!!! They bike everywhere. matter how big they are. Then, there's the lingo. I would almost bet that my general manager is from minnesota due to his accent. lol. Sometimes I have thought about dragging a map out, closing my eyes, and pointing to some random state to move there and start my nursing career there. I think that would be very interesting! Well, it sounds like you are getting a grip on the "Joyzey" way of life there. Glad you are enjoying it. :)


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